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Charleen Cordo, owner and founder of Be SMART Dog Training, has been training dogs for 40 years.   She founded the Internationally recognized New Leash on Life program at the Colorado Boys Ranch where she assisted in helping the residential youth to rehabilitate and find homes for dogs. She has a life long passion of learning about and working with dogs.  She continues to expand her education yearly.  Her varied experience and education help her to knowledgeably help both owners and their dogs work together. She currently has titled in the beginning, novice, and intermediate level freestyle dance with her dog and is working toward the advanced level. She also is Level 1 certified in nose work. 

Charleen skilled in using up to date, gentle, scientifically proven sound methods that work.  All methods insure no pain, no force, no fear training:


  • Lure and reward training

  • Clicker (Marker) Training

  • Behavior modification with counter conditioning

  • Trick training

  • Canine Freestyle Dance

  • T-Touch

  • Canine Therapeutic Massage

  • Trick training

Charleen is a skilled professional who makes training fun and personal.  She is committed to providing her pet owners with the skills they need to live harmoniously.  She is a member of several professional organizations that represent what she believes.

All of the methods focus on kindness and positive reinforcement methods which reflect her thorough understanding of how dogs learn.   With this knowledge and experience she is able to effectively relay her skills to owners, resulting in setting up a caring, respectful relationship between owners and their pets.