All sessions require an evaluation consult prior to classes if you have not already done an evaluation for another class.


  • house training

  • learn how to build a lifelong bond

  • teach your puppy how to listen to you

  • how to make your puppy successful before and after they come home

  • introducing your new family member to its home

  • teach basic social skills

  • manage puppiness (biting, chewing, guarding, destruction etc.)

Prices: One time 2 hour long consult puppy start right $160.  Good Dog basic manners 6 week hour long class $480.


why does my dog do that?  

  • what can I do to change his behavior

  • learn to love having your dog in your life

  • teach basic skills and behavior cues (sit, down, wait, come, playing etc.)

  • teach your dog coping skills

  • consultations available when selecting a rescue animal upon request

  • how to greet visitors

  • how to walk on leash 

Prices: Required evaluation:   fee $120 for 90 minute evaluation   Set of 6 sessions $480.  Individual pricing for certain situations TBD.  


ONGOING FUN TRAINING (dogs love to show off )

  • have fun teaching your dog a variety tricks, just to name a few:

    • roll over

    • say prayers

    • hide & go seek

    • how to spin

    • chin rest (great trick to know for vet visits and grooming)

    • leave it

    • bow

    • freestyle dance moves

  • Set of 6 sessions for $480.