


I adopted a great pyrenees mix in 2012. For the first two years we had some aggression problems, but we thought we were dealing with them until our aussie mix became ill and died in 2014. My pyr had always been a little reserved with us and would bark back at my husband when he tried to discipline him but his behavior escalated drastically with everyone. Our extended family suggested we put him down as he was a liability after meeting him at a family camping trip.

Early in 2015, I met Charleen as result of a recommendation from another dog mom with a difficult dog. From our initial evaluation(beginning with a walk around our neighborhood) Charleen never seemed intimidated by bogie(my pyr). Over the course of the next few months, we worked weekly on keeping bogie below his stress threshold and building trust between us.

Charleen taught me how to set boundaries. We let bogie make the right choices without nagging him.  I actually enjoy walks with bogie today—we’re not perfect but thanks to Charleen we are a team. Charleen has the patience and calmness to help these difficult dogs and frustrated owners. My husband even has an amazing relationship with bogie now.